If you're growing in soil, it's eventually going to run out of essential nutrients and the plants start to wither and might even die. On the other hand, prefertilized soils are too rich in nutrients for delicate plants like chillies. For example soils ment for flowers might even hinder the growth of a chilli plant. Cacti-soil with a good fertilizer, such as BioBizz Bio-Grow, works best for soil-growers.
When using hydroponics as a growing method, fertilizers are a necessity, since water doesn't have any nutrients the plants can use. GHE has made several excellent products that work well with soil and hydroponics. Juha has had tremendous results with GHE Tripack Starting Kit, which includes FloraGro, FloraMicro and FloraBloom. Since I didn't have any fertilizers for hydroponics and seeing Juha's results, I bought GHE FloraMato to use with GHE FloraMicro. FloraMato was designed to be used with FloraMicro especially in hydroponic systems. I have not been using this combination for long enough to see real results, but at the moment it looks promising!
I can give you a brief "preview" of the effects of Mato+Micro in an Ebb&Flood-type hydroponic system.
29.12.07 ---- 2.1.08
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